University of Alabama

Hillel Student Organization

Make your 2023 High Holiday Reservations today!

The High Holidays are quickly approaching and we can’t wait to spend them with you!   We will offer an Erev RH meal on Friday September 15th at 5:30 pm followed by optional services lead by Rabbi Jacobs steps away at Temple Emanu-el.  A full schedule of services will be posted soon :).

Yom Kippur falls on the heels of Parents Weekend this year, so we invite (and encourage 😉 ) all of our Bama families to join us for the holidays.  Our erev Yom Kippur meal begins at 5:30 on Sunday, September 24th with Break Fast on Monday around 6:00 pm.

 You should be able to sign up for ALL High Holiday options through the signup genius link.  We hope this creates a simpler process for all your holiday needs. 

Contact Lisa ( with any questions.

Sign Up!